PERCEPTION: Control/Operations Room. Cockpit Architectures for New Connectivity with Site. Typologies of Technologically Enabled Centrality.
Fall 2016/Spring 2017
Instructor: Carla Leitao
Committee Member: Nancy Diniz
The Control/OPS Room Final Project course goal and project is to research, design and develop contemporary or near-future collective or collaborative Control or Operations Rooms.
Project credit: Kristen Van Gilst

The course looks at historical, contemporary, and imaginary [scifi] precedents of control room typologies, and their extended/related concepts: situation, war and operations rooms, among others.
Project credit: Kristen Van Gilst/Ellen Wong 

The course uses the particular characters of the CRAIVE Lab as an immersive virtual reality room, to test and develop the projects across the semester/year.
The Control/OPS Room section explores what it means to site ‘control operations’ in a technologically enabled centrality. Immersive spatial qualities being key to rethink the nature of the (individual and collective) mind as the Control/OPS Room connects myriad subjects/networks which it then communicates with, explores, or manages in some way.
Project credit: Peini Chen
Project credit: Ellen Wong

Julianne Alvarez
Peini Chen
Yuan Ji
Flavia Macchiavello
Amy Massie
Kenya Narvaez
Pu Pang
James Regnier
Nicholas Tario
Kristen Van Gilst
Ian Welsh
Adeline Williams
Ellen Wong